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Shipping Policy

Do I have to pay shipping charges?

Yes, Our Delivery Partner’s API give us live shipping rate in low cost on the bases of cart weight and pincode of shipping address. You can review these charges before making the payment at the Check Out page.


By when will I receive the ordered products?

Delivery will be done within 3-10 working days as due to Covid-19 regulatory measures all courier partners are facing delays in pickups and deliveries.


How do I know whether the product can be delivered to my area? Can I opt for Cash On Delivery (COD) payment in my area?

Shivika Pottery Gallery is trying its best to ship its products as far and wide as possible. However, there are still a few areas where we are unable to ship. While placing an order, you will receive an intimation of the same. No, COD is not available now.


What is the mode of delivery at Shivika Pottery Gallery?

We have partnered with our authorized courier services for the shipment of products across India. Depending upon your location and reach, we make use of several other trustworthy domestic service providers to deliver products.


Do I have to pay shipping charges?

Yes, Our Delivery Partner’s API give us live shipping rate in low cost on te bases of cart weight and pincode of shipping address. You can review these charges before making the payment at the Check Out page.


By when will I receive the ordered products?

Delivery will be done within 3-10 working days and during Covid-19 regulatory measures all courier partners will face delays in pickups and deliveries.


How do I know whether the product can be delivered to my area? Can I opt for Cash On Delivery (COD) payment in my area?

Shivika Pottery Gallery is trying its best to ship its products as far and wide as possible. However, there are still a few areas where we are unable to ship. While placing an order, you will receive an intimation of the same. No, COD is not available now.


What is the mode of delivery at Shivika Pottery Gallery?

We have partnered with our authorized courier services for the shipment of products across India. Depending upon your location and reach, we make use of several other trustworthy domestic service providers to deliver products.


Order Tracking

How do I know if my order has been placed success fully

Within a few minutes of successfully placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation from Shivika Pottery Gallery. This email will include all the important details related to your order. Please do not delete this email, as it, more or less, acts as an order receipt.


How do I check the status of my order?

Simply follow the below-mentioned steps:

Click on 'Login / Sign Up' to your account.

Click on the 'Orders' tab.

Go to the relevant Order No. and click on it to check its status

How do I know if my order has been placed success fully

Within a few minutes of successfully placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation from Shivika Pottery Gallery. This email will include all the important details related to your order. Please do not delete this email, as it, more or less, acts as an order receipt.


How do I check the status of my order?

Simply follow the below-mentioned steps:

Click on 'Login / Sign Up' to your account.

Click on the 'Orders' tab.

Go to the relevant Order No. and click on it to check its status.